Alt Tech 1 chain

Web OS Pledge

Dataland Decentralized For The People
Imagine the Internet where you are not profiled, socially categorized, or dataset owned by monopolies that are way too familar with your life.
Big Tech are not your best friends who have your back. Please don't say you have nothing to hide that's like saying you read a slogan and believed it to be true for sure without a doubt and never gave this any further thought, or you don't like thinking about things that will effect you negatively for the rest of your life and you don't know why.
The reason the Internet is so broken is people became used to finding entertainment , playing games and searching for new things they want, which is where the real game of extraction begins.
With users giving up their identity with terms and agreements that you may have to read for hours to stitch you up, but if you just click agree you can just move on to your choice and see useless information mostly with ads and your permission to leave a tracker cookie and marker and collect device ID and serial# so now they can create a picture of your life online.
You are now contained in their fish bowl a prison of your own making.
They will feed you entertainment with doom scrolling and extract all the good of your life. Which are given to new tech kings freely for buttons clicked like your life is worth nothing, history repeating itself has a new servitude bend over and get an ass kicking form the king and you better like it, you must click the button and agree to our terms no negotiations.
Best idea change the terms
The lnternet works much better when everyone involved can extract a livelihood, creative people building dreams for everyone to share. This will create much more value than a bunch of big tech titans having billions stashed offshore in massive buyout chests to stop any competion.
These walled empires fail, Standard Oil Company, East India Tea company,
Bitcoin changed the way people are controlled by fiat money and made people aware there is a better way own your life.
Which has evolved into many variations of alternative coins some are wall street boiler room scams pump and dump like penny stocks.
All the bad news you hear about cryptocurrency and hacks were old school ideas updated from past events that happened long ago played out by wall street hustlers. Fiat money has also lost a lot to forgery's over the years and even the mint could not tell the difference. Banks have been scammed out of billions they just never advertised it.
Building our future together stops big tech controlling our internet, let's build and own our dataverse online.
There is a way and it's not government regulation, fines and penalties only mask the problem not address what is wrong in the system. Find out the solution to fix the Internet subscribe below.

People's Blockchain

DeRepo (decentralised repository)

Change the present big tech monopoly control. Lets build a clear playing field where all repo commits pushed are blockchain verifiable.
App store not required all software runs from decentralised compute.
Stop centralised security failures.

Taking Back Our Internet

Big Tech people have had enough of one sided terms and agreements. Your balance sheets may have billions although that is a poor measure of worth to humanity.
Keep in mind without users Big Tech is worth nothing.

Coding For Change

Apps data snatchers privacy invaders

Cloud is someone elses computer App store not required.

Internet users can change how big tech are exploiting terms of agreement online. What can people do about it, get mad and join the movement for change building decentralised control into networks, plus software built for open source repository. Anyone can participate with pledges for each day they abstain from Big Tech choose from list each month. Proceeds raised rewarded to projects building WEB 3.0 private decentralised projects that benefit users through rewards. Tokenomics supports massive online sign-up with on chain transparency.

The next frontier

A.I. owned by humanity period

Please stop governments being Pwned by big tech don't support control that hurts future generations.

United we stand divided we fall

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Fixing Internet from monopoly control require's users to join together. Big tech has done poor job of equality for all users. Code for change will pledge users are in control of terms and agreements.

Plant a seed in someone's mind together we make a change.

© Amend Terms 1 Chain. All rights reserved. at1c